few words on the purpose of this section
It's no longer possible to ignore the appearance of Cultivated
Diamonds on the jewelry market. The percentage of professionals
and customers who are interested in lab-grown diamonds is
growing rapidly.
On the 13th of July the World Federation of Diamond Bourses
(WFDB) officially acknowledged the presence of lab-grown diamonds
by issuing a resolution after the recent World Diamond Congress
where it states “The usage of synthetic diamonds for gem purposes
be acknowledged and that gemological laboratories be requested
and encouraged to issue certificates describing same, provided
that such certificates clearly emphasize the fact that such
are synthetic diamonds”
On the following pages our experts will talk about this unique
product while sharing with you their knowledge acquired in
our hi-tech lab over the past decade. We hope the respect
and passion that we hold for this exquisite and environmentally
friendly product will be passed on to you too, our dear customer.
PS: we did our best while trying to answer the most frequently
asked questions within this section, however, taking into
account that the industry of lab-grown diamonds is developing
at a very rapid pace, new questions may arise. Please forward
your questions and we will have our experts answer them for
1. General overview
2. FAQ
3. Color & clarity
4. Diamond statistics
5. Technology HPHT
6. Useful links