Industrial Diamonds
Being a part of the New Age Diamonds, Industrial Diamonds
department develops and manufactures lab-grown diamonds for
industrial applications since 2001. The range of lab-grown mono
crystal diamond products are produced on the ground of HPHT
The major properties which provide the natural diamond with exceptional
wear resistance, high thermal stability and thermal conductivity
are completely obtained by lab-grown diamond crystals. It makes
our crystals suitable for the same applications where natural
diamonds are traditionally used.
Advantages of NAD synthetic diamonds
- Stable quality: our hi-tech process ensures the high quality of
grown diamonds; we can supply the requested quality from time to time.
- Guaranteed volumes: our production facilities are loaded every
hour every day and we can produce on a constant basis the required volumes
for you.
- Big choice: we are managing the stock of the laboratory-grown
diamonds and can sort and prepare lots especially for your needs.
- Stable and attractive price: our scalable manufacturing
facilities allow us to keep the same level of price from season to season
which is incomparable with natural diamonds supply.